To secure the list of our 2023 Officers & Staff it has been necessary to move the document to the Sun City Hilton Head Residents Website.  (The names, email addresses, and phone numbers of our Staff were open to the World Wide Web !)

You will need to visit the Sun City Hilton Head Residents Website LISTED BELOW.

  1. To do this you’ll need to be able to Login to the Sun City Hilton Head Residents Website with your personal login & password. (If you need assistance with either of these items email the CAM help desk at: [email protected])

    1. If you ARE NOT taken directly to the Computer Club’s web page follow the directions in Steps 2 – 5.

    2. If you ARE taken directly to our web page follow the information in Step 5.

  2. Scroll to Clubs & Groups and “Click/Tap” on “Learn More

  3. Scroll to Hobbies and “Click/Tap” on “Learn More

  4. Scroll to Computer Club and “Click/Tap” on Computer Club

  5. Scroll down to the middle of the page to Board & Committee Chairs and “Click/Tap” on the “Click Here” (Maroon in color) at the end of the sentence.  You will be taken to a Google Sheet (document) listing our Board Members & Committee Chairs.

To be directed to the Sun City Hilton Head Website – Click Here

Having problems finding the Officers & Staff Document? Email Mark Davis at [email protected] for assistance.