Welcome, 2020!

The Board of Directors would like to extend to all our Computer Club members a very “Happy 2022”.  We are looking forward to another exciting year with NEW advances in technology,  NEW, and interesting programs, NEW classes and the opportunity to learn and share this knowledge with all of you.  Please stop and introduce yourselves when attending our events; monthly meetings, SIG’s and KKH meetings and, of course, our popular classes.   We always welcome your input and hope you will actively participate in the Club this year.

Bill McKinnery, President 

2019 President & Longtime Computer Club member, Classroom Instructor, Help Session Volunteer, and an Apple SIG original member & presenter, Bill brings experience from our sister Photography Club where he recently served as President.


Debbie Dennis, Vice President

2019 Vice President & 2018 Rasmussen Award honoree, Chairs Education Committee, Instructor, KK Hour Chair and regular presenter, Chaired Bi-laws Committee, Past Member-at-Large, holds regular Chromebook monthly sessions keeping members up-to-date on this new technology.

Brenda Sommerfeld, Secretary

Brenda brought her skills as Secretary to us mid-year and continued as such in 2019. She is a Class Assistant and member of the Education Committee where she works with Eventbrite.


Carol Treanor, Treasurer

Longtime member and experienced Treasurer, Carol has served with the Computer Club for the past 4 1/2 years and in the same capacity to several large Sun City organizations prior. A commercial banker by profession.


Honey Burt, Member-at-Large

Longtime member, Past President, Vice President and 2017 Rasmussen Award Honoree, currently Chars the Facility Committee. She is a Classroom Instructor, KK Hour and General Meeting presenter has organized our Annual Club Fair for countless years and has served as a member on, or chair of, numerous committees.

Bill Altman, Member-at-Large

Bill is a regular Help Session volunteer focusing on PC and Android devices and enjoys helping people get the most out of computing experiences. He also teaches classes on Android devices and is a Class Assistant for several classes/lectures. He is a member of the Facilities Committee and Education Committee.

Mark Davis, Immediate Past President

Mark served two terms as Club President, two terms as Vice President, 2016 and Immediate Past President in 2019. Rasmussen Award honoree, Classroom Instructor & Apple SIG Instructor/facilitator, Facilities Committee Chair, Program Committee Chair, Help Sessions Volunteer, Education Committee member, and KK Hour, presenter.